You can see the structure and values of any array by using one of two
statements — var_dump or print_r. The print_r() statement, however,
gives somewhat less information. To display the $studying_day array, use
the following statement:
print_r($studying_day); and you will get the output:
[1] => english
[2] => french
[3] => math
[4] => business
To get a more detailed information other than the key and value, you can use:
array(3) {
string(7) “english”
string(6) “french”
string(4) “math”
Arrays can be changed at any time in the script, just as variables can.
Let's say I am sick of english(actually I am), thus i decided not to study english anymore, then I can use the following statement to remove it from my previously made array:
$studying_day[1] = " "; # this set the value to empty, but it does not remove
unset(studying_day[1]); # this statement completely remove it from the group
Sort Array:
One of the most useful features of arrays is that PHP can sort them for you.
To sort my array, I can use the statement: sort($studying_day);
To sort array that contains word as key, we use asort($arrayname); for example, we have a new array:
when I use asort($computer), I get the following results:
Some other useful sorting include:
rsort($arrayname) #Sorts by value in reverse order; assigns new numbersas the keys.
ksort($arrayname) #Sorts by key.
krsort($arrayname) #Sorts by key in reverse order.
usort($arrayname, function) #Sorts by a function.
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